Originally Posted by blackTshirt
i hope he didn't mean the title to sound so "i'm gonna have fun and you're not"ish...hope it was accidentally
no, no, no.....I was talking about how good the weather was going to be, I noticed the rest of the country was freezing when i posted that and was glad im here and not there. and as far as the hehehe part, well thats just me getting giddy (not Geddy) about the show.
The show by the way was great, it was held outdoors, but not all of the bands got to play before cops broke it up. Discriminados didnt get to play which i was disapointed in, but i got a chance to talk to them and im gonna be setting up a show here in March for them to come down and play. Warfair? which is a phx band rocked the place, took everyone by surprise. And Iskra....damn those guys are brutal!! The cops showed up as they were playing and after one of the songs pulled the singer aside and started talking
to him. It was great, everyone was taking pictures of the cop shaking his hand, then the cop announced that they were gonna play one more song and they broke out into a 4 song medley that rocked. The cop just stood their checking his watch and you can tell he was thinking to himself "this is the longest song in history!" at the end of the song even the cop applauded (ive got pictures of that too, which i thought was funny since he was surrounded by punk rockers and looked like he was enjoying himself) Afterwards Iskra, Discriminados, Warfair? and a bunch of ppl from the show went to this guys apt that threw the show and partied there for awhile. We ended up getting back to our hotel at about 5am.