They look for excuses to hate us, they're gonna hate us weither we stay in Iraq or not, thats a fact. But they will have a brand new reason to hate us if we just plain got up and left, after everything that has happened.
They'll hate us no matter what, so why stay there and be directly there in front of them and have our soldiers personally subject to their hate? They'll hate us no matter what, why not leave? Because our leaders don't care to.
Other nations didnt want us to invade, but they're not gonna forgive us if we leave. In fact that will become just another excuse.
After 9/11 there was not a country in Europe that didn't want to reach out and help us.
To go from having the whole world at your side, to having them view you as their biggest threat to peace, in under 5 years, takes some terrible desicion making. However, when the French left Algeria in the 60's, they didn't loose any prestige. Why would we? Other than the fact that we don't have much to start with, why? Other countries learned after WWII to release imperial possessions. The United States is still stuck in the late 19th, early 20th century mindset.
At least give 9/11 some credit, oh wait, I forgot that Bush was responsable for that too.
Please, Bush is not Hitler, such comparisons should never be made.
Like I give a sh*t what Fat Mike says.
Iraq was no Nicaragua, not with a guy who had the production of Nuclear energy in the works and owned many palaces and enough cash to build underground tunnels and bunkers spanning everywhere through Bagdad and with god knows what stored there.
Once again, your logic is absolutely horrendous. Were you born with this horrible logic or did you develop it naturally. No one is comparing Iraq to Nicaragua. Nicaragua was another country with a stable democracy that was not US funded and backed. The US can't have that. We have a monopoly on democracy, and you have to come to us if you want one. No one said anything about Iraq being like Nicaragua, you just can't distinguish when someone is comparing one country to another, and when someone is using another country as an example to counter the reasoning you are supporting, and the reasoning we were given to go into Iraq. We don't support democracies, saying we were going there to bring them democracy is bull.
What does any of this have to do with our current state in Iraq? I never said America could do no wrong, I'm a Cherokee, I should f*cking know.
What does it have to do with Iraq? My god man, can't you read the post. WE DON'T SUPPORT DEMOCRACIES WE CRUSH THEM. We didn't go to Iraq to establish democracy. You think its good that we went there and took Saddam out of power and put in place a democracy. That is bull
shit. We hate democracies.
Our policies changed since 9/11. Terrorism within our borders was never a big deal until then, since then we ARE concerned with what happens in the middle east and what happens in Iraq, because it directly influences the terrorists that come here. National Security is our top priority, so what goes on in Iraq and elsewhere is very important.
Our government knows that these terrorists are in our borders. They talk with them, they protect them from the FBI. And the only reason our policies have changed since 9/11 is to launch a massively successful propaganda campaign to scare the hell out of people so we will support anything the government does as long as it is eradicating terror. The recent 'terror threat' in London is a great example. It is ridiculous how much this was overblown. Ex-CIA intelligence experts say that the 'bombs' in those Mercedes would have done HORRIBLE damage...to the interior of the Mercedes. But of course the media and government display it as some kind of reaffirmation of the horrible threat posed to us by terror. It is working too, you've fallen victim to it, quite easily it seems too. You even justify wars with it, just like warmongers in Washington want you to.
Man you really know how to completely miss the point. I'm not at all what you would call a gung ho patriot. I'm not at all proud of the many bad things my country has done, and my politics generally lean left. But remembering the bad things that we shouldn't have done isn't going to justify not doing something we SHOULD have done.
No, we shouldn't ever invade countries and occupy them for years and expend their natural resources.
To justify that you have to be a gung-ho patriot.