Thats different, American Idiot is popular because it was made by a very popular band, who were popular long before they got political. Keith however has always been no butts about his conservative views. That and there are several other popular artists with conservative views, Charlie Daniels, ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Fear, Ted Nugent, Skrewdriver, etc. Just because there may be a few more on the left than right is insiginificant. Being in the majority dosen't make you right, if it does, that would mean Christians are more right than most people.
Besides, just because a lot of people likes a certain political artist dosen't mean that all of that artists fans share his politics.
Just look at ClashWho..... He loves The Clash.
Last edited by boo boo; 07-06-2007 at 06:07 PM.