I changed "Islamist" to "Extremist" because it was appropiate, I also change my posts frequently because I'm a perfectionist (OCD) when it comes to getting my point accross.
And you fail to understand the difference between tollerating a religion and tollerating a religions politics. My views with Muslim politics have little to do with Islam as a religion, if Muslims think women should be treated like real estate then thats fine by me, but such points of view shouldn't influence goverments to enforce laws that strip women of almost every human right imaginible. For the same reasons I don't think Christians should have any influence on our goverment, because I don't think Religion and Politics should mix, I'm a strong believer in the Seperation of Chuch and State. I'm also a fair guy.
Last edited by boo boo; 07-04-2007 at 02:18 AM.