Originally Posted by domzig138
First of all this has nothing to do with you, Second you must be ignorant, because heroin causes numbness and extreme drowsieness not suicide, so Kurt would of been extremely tired and numb when he shot himself.
Oh my god are you that much of an idiot? He was on enough
fucking heroin to kill a horse, thats why his 'suicide' is so questioned. Maybe you should do a quick read-up on something before posting about it. It had alot to do with his death because he probably woundn't have gone through it so well even without being shot.
Cobain's heroin, (morphine), blood level was 1.52 mgs per liter. This would require a minimum injection of 225 mgs of heroin, three times a lethal dose, even for a hardcore heroin addict! The drug Diazepam, was also found in Cobain's blood system.
CobainCase.Com - The Kurt Cobain Murder Investigation by Tom Grant