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Old 01-26-2005, 06:43 AM   #2 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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One of my first loves died a couple years ago.
A couple months after we started 'dating' although that probably isn't the right word.
It was something of a bad day for her I suppose.
I mean Shortly after I met her she found out she had syphilis which is treatable and curable. But her body was kinda rejecting the treatment. And then it became something else. She developed something called 'n- stage syphilis' and at that point nothign much can be done. And a little while later we found out she had HIV as well. Not surprising since a lot of my friends back then had HIV or AIDS. And then something weird happened. Yep. I fell in love with her, and one thing lead to another.
And then her mom (who was and still is a jerk) kinda pissed her off one day. Well Lena had already been clean of heroine for about a year. (By that point I had known her for three years) and next thing we know we found her dead in the car. She had shot herself up, od-ed and died of a combination of things. The relapse from the heroine mainly and maybe some of it had to do with the HIV. Who knows. Oddly enough a lot of my friends who developed HIV when we were younger are still alive. And sadly most of my friends I knew when I was younger who died usually died as a result of suicide.
Go figure.

And there was this guy who i thought I loved but later on realized he was bad for me. Yeah. Guys. They're just not worth it. Drove me to drugs and a ton of other things.
The sicko. And on top of that he was a jerk. How could someone with so little self esteem be such a jerk? I ask myself that a lot of times but then I realize that the relationship went bad not just because of him but also because I stayed in it despite how sick he was making me feel in the inside when I did some of the things I did.
Love is truly blind because at the point I thought it was love. And now that I'm older I realize the correct term for it is obsession.

And here's a funny one.
This i guy didn't want to like me did. And I hated it when he told people I was his girlfriend because I wasn't. And one day he went singing down the halls "Cee Cee. . I love you" It was one of the most embarassing things in the world. And as I left my science class or whatever it was, there was this teacher standing outside the door laughing at me. I was so mad and my cheeks turned bright red cause I was blushing that hard.

And there was this time last year when I fell in love with this guy at my school. He had a mullet so none of my friends could figure out why I liked him. I just said that beauty is only skin deep. And it was so funny because then when he cut the mullet I thought he looked ugly. And then as my love (obsession) for him grew I swear he started to glow.

I've got a lot of love stories to tell.
And some not even having to do with me.

Like the reason i don't internet romances is because one of my friends was stalked over the internet. And because one of my friends met this guy by accident when she started recieving email form him. (She was 9 at the time) Yeah well she liked this guy and the guy liked her and the guy also lied to her about his age. One day she was home from school, some 50 something year old man came to her doorstep.
When she told me this story I died laughing.

Peace out.
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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