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Old 06-25-2007, 07:17 AM   #3 (permalink)
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The only thing the hippies accomplished was presenting a schism between the adult generation in control and the younger college generation, most of whom held radical beliefs and thus weren't taken seriously. The Vietnam war didn't end until '73, more or less a decade later, so their protests didn't even accomplish anything.

Despite this, the Sixties definitely were a turning point, as those same people grew up and, despite being somewhat disillusioned, made America somewhat of a less conservative nature. However, I don't think that the nineties marked the end of political activism (especially in music), I mean, I don't think that disco, new wave, or hair metal (the big three off the top of my head) were very politically aware.

So what has changed? There are no longer anarchist groups... well, did they ever accomplish anything? The youth of today are certainly apathetic, but they're not in control so who even cares.
I begged her, shoot me in the head
She took my gun and shot my leg instead
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