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Old 06-18-2007, 07:21 PM   #13 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 420

FACT; Jim Roots and Mick Thompson shouldn't be allowed to play on guitars with 4 strings or more.

Reason; They never use them, and when they do, it's only to play a poor excuse for a solo. Why not let those strings be put to better use. PErhaps there's someone in St. Louis whose e string broke while trying to tune it? (me). Plus, maybe having them play on 3 strings will discourage them from playing at all, then the band will break up, and we no longer have to hear the horrible sound that is Slipknot! Except, perhaps, hearing it blasting in some mallcore ***'s car, but nothing a little mortar action can't handle.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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