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Thread: Rihanna
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Old 06-17-2007, 11:17 AM   #21 (permalink)
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So what exactly makes you think you're qualified to make any sort of judgment regarding an artist whose genre you don't appreciate?

Originally Posted by Inuzuka Skysword View Post
Lyrically I get tired of pop artists explain their love because they, most of the time, either have to talk about:

A. Breaking up
B. Thinking about that person
C. How good that person looks
D. First time they saw them
Lyrically, I get tired of death metal bands singing about Satan.

Pop artists tell you what you want the modern public wants to hear. That way they can bring in the big bucks.
As opposed to metal bands that don't cater to teenagers with angst issues?

I suggest the Rihanna quit the whole bussiness because she doesn't really do anything good. Maybe she could go neo-classical or something, but I would doubt that. If she had a better voice I would suggest her to join a band, but I don't think they would accept her.
Again, you feel qualified to spout bullshit on what basis? Do you see me commenting on your favorite metal bands? Take my queue and stay away from topics you know nothing about.
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