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Old 06-04-2007, 11:39 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
This is your most blatantly ignorant comment of the week. Congratulations.
Perhaps you don't get it. I've written pages and pages about the validity of this opinion. I've researched twice as much as I've written.

Ignorant is something you and your uneducated ilk throw around as if you've gained some form of monopoly on the word. Or rather if those of us using facts have gained a sort of monopsony. The fact remains that I said why it was not only logical but beneficial.

You still seem to think that you're going to go in to Thailand with your Blue Helmet on and demanding that the rice farmer gets $15 an hour to make irregular sweaters for Old Navy. Pull your head out of your ass you uneducated little boy and go visit the real world. Go back to telling me The Beatles are some sort of infallible group of demigod's where you can at least fake knowing what you're talking about when you secretly just pull out the same boring tid bits Rolling Stone has been cramming down the American esophagus for the past 40 ****ing years.
I've moved to a new address
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