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Old 05-26-2007, 12:39 PM   #8 (permalink)
The Dave
Me and The Major
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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I started off listening to ****ty pop music like Savage Garden....mainly just Savage Garden, but there were probably some others that I can't recall. After listening to crappy pop for a while my brother got me in to Dave Matthews Band and I was hooked on them, they were basically the only band I listened to for about a year.

After the whole DMB thing I decided to explore other musics and got into U2 as well as bands that my dad liked: The Beatles, Pink Floyd....., but that didn't last too long because after that my friends got me into all this local metalcore stuff so I started listening to stuff like Underoath, Norma Jean and so on. That phase lastes the longest out of all of them.

Then I joined here and you fine fellows introduced me to Emo and Hardcore which I liked for a while but have since moved on to mainly listening to Folk and Indie.
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