Music Banter - View Single Post - How much has your music taste changed over the years?
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Old 05-23-2007, 07:35 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Illadelph
Posts: 23

over the years my tastes have shifted drastically, but for the most part, music i enjoyed in the past, i still tend to enjoy. i think i started off with rap - commercial rap at that, like dmx and method man and all that, back in high school roughly 10 years ago. then i got into metal - slayer, pantera, and all that. at some point along the way i discovered underground hip-hop, like aesop rock, atmosphere, el-p, busdriver, etc - got back into metal and the more brutal stuff like death and grind. i've also gotten into a lot of weird/out-there indie type stuff, and i definitely enjoy older stuff too. i've listened to pretty much everything at one point, except for country. isn't that the genre must people tend to say they dont like when they claim to like "almost everything" though? sorry, not exactly a timeline of my musical tastes or anything.
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