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Old 05-22-2007, 02:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default The Berlin Project.

I doubt I will get many responses but:
Has anybody ever heard of The Berlin Project they were kind've a ska-core band they toured the east coast. I beleive they were doing good then they went emo and they broke up.

I heard out about them after they broke up sadly.
Does anybody know what I am talking about?

I really like them.
I have about 7 or 8 randomly downloaded tracks from my couzin of them when they were ska-core.

Does anybody know where I can find anymore of their music?
I see people can share links to download it or soemthing? I dont really understand that because I have dial up...but any free way to download there music would be appreciated.

Or just anywhere to get their music?
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