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Old 05-21-2007, 10:52 PM   #362 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowquill View Post
This would be a number of opinions argument, and this isn't some well they've sold lots of records to 12 year old rich kids argument, its about an actual guitar magazine so you can assume alot of them are guitar players and would be able to tell good guitar playing from bad guitar playing. You also have no way to judge if those opinions are informed or not. Your whole argument has been one big pile of elitist metal bullshit with 0 backing.
Bullsh1t, who said it even has anything to do with metal at all? Where have I mentioned any 'kult' metal bands? This is about Metallica.

Read my post again - who cares if they play guitar (ZOMG i play geetarz!)? Clearly they haven't heard a wide range of music - I'm not even going to comment again on the Simple Plan cover.

If you show those 4000 readers Circle Takes the Square and the majority think it is utterly atrocious, are you going to snap your CDs and be done with them?

The "this person says it's good so it must be good" argument is incredibly weak.

The IMO part about this post was kind of funny.
So what? I was just adding my own opinion to it. I didn't consider this an argument until you came in antagonizing me with untrue stuff; i.e. metal elitism. If you're going to be a prick, GTFO.

And since I didn't at the time consider this an argument, and seeing as it is the thread for Metallica discussion, I thought an opinion on Metallica might be appropriate.
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