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Thread: Megadeth
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Old 05-17-2007, 03:47 PM   #98 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Barely nobody has mentioned PEACE SELLS-which is the album that broke them in a big way and to many older and balder people (like myself) stands up as their finest album.

Although they are labelled as thrash, they have a lot of other styles creeping into their music-while not easily detectable-they are there and that is why they maybe split opinions. Listening back to their music , it's surprising how ahead of it's time their music was, with the time changes and other genre influences creeping in.

I have got their new one and it's not bad-very tempted to see them in July.

Seen them twice way back in late 80's at a gig called CLASH OF THE TITANS-SLAYER-MEGADETH-TESTAMENT-SUICIDAL TENDENCIES-what a gig!
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