Originally Posted by can_i_say
not a big double bass pedal fan though, too metally.
Double kick pwns your face.
Just kidding, but I still love double kick bass. It can be overused, though, and often is.
I like the Circle Jerks a lot, one of my favorite 80's punk bands. I might even like them more than Black Flag, because Keith Morris is probably my favorite Black Flag singer.
I haven't been able to listen to Bad Brains since I heard a lot about them being homophobes. Although it might be unfair since I don't know for sure. However, I would never listen to a band that I know is homophobic, because thats just ****ed up. Just like I don't listen to racist bands.
Also, the Misfits aren't the hardestcore, but they are still probably my favorite band of all time. Just avoid post-Danzig albums.