The greatest group in Alt history, and my personal favorite. Seeing as how I could list every song they've ever performed in the exact order of their appeal to me (last being Take Me Down, naturally, as James Iha simply doesn't have a rock voice), I'll spare you and simply list my favorites from each studio album.
1. Bury Me
2. I Am One
3. Siva
Siamese Dream
1. Disarm
2. Spaceboy
3. Mayonaise
Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness - Disc 1
1. Tonight, Tonight
2. Cupid de Locke
3. To Forgive
Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness - Disc 2
1. Bodies
2. 1979
3. Thirty-Three
1. Tear
2. Daphne descends
3. Ava Adore
Machina/The Machines of God
1. Age of Innocence
2. The Everlasting Gaze
2. Try, Try, Try
Machina II/The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music
1. Home
2. White Spyder
3. Blue Skies Bring Tears (Heavy Version)
...Blah, that's quite a list no matter how I put it. Just spreading the Pumpkin love!