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Old 05-07-2007, 07:47 PM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 22

I'm watching the Bulls play the Pistons, and I couldn't help but notice that Ben Gordon has been way off all series. He can get so hot that he can make almost any shot, and it seems like he's only made a couple of shots this whole series. Also Luol Deng, I'm not too impressed with, seems like he's always making dumb defensive errors and doesn't play a good team game. Chauncey Billups kind of reminds me of Sam Cassell, no matter what game, he almost always seems like the most confident player on the floor, and excels at the end of games.
I noticed Dwayne Wade and Tracy McGrady are out already, and they both have been in silly commercials that keep airing. One, where TMac hurls a goat like a discuss, wearing a kilt, and just really stupid commercial. Dwayne Wade is in a golf commercial where he actually lifts his left foot on the follow through of his putt. It's ridiculous. Also, Wade is in one where he refers to Sir Charles as 'sesy', it bortders on creepy from a guy who was one of the most upstanding players a year ago. I guess the lesson to be learned is if you make silly ridiculous commercials around playoff time, you lose.
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