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Old 05-06-2007, 06:08 AM   #1554 (permalink)
The Professor
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
One, learn how to f*cking type, second, having taken enough Herion to kill a small horse which makes it hard to believe he could even lift a damn gun let alone actually use it and there not being any fingerprints found on the gun that killed him is not something you are just suposed to shrug off.
I never said the heroin killed him the amount he took probably impaired his desicion making and shot the gun. The sergeon that did the autopsy of Kurt said this and I quote "all of the evidence pointed to a suicide" and another detective dismisses any type of conspericy theory. And Mark Lanegan who was a friend of Kurts said this in Rolling Stones magazin ""I never knew [Cobain] to be suicidal. I just knew he was going through a tough time." And another thing his drug addiction, stomach pains (at one point became soo bad he actually tried to kill himself), depression, instability before his fame and the suicide note are proof something you haven't delivered. Ohh and check this out I found this quote from Heavier Than Heaven about his Heroin use 'This is the only thing that's saving me from blowing my head off right now."
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