Originally Posted by matious
i hate to get to get involved in muder conspiracy's...
But their was also whats-his-face, a guy who worked at some record store or something that knew Kurt and Courtney. He told detectives that courtney was gonna pay him some money if he "blew his ****en head off" he got like 98% on a lie detector test to confirm it.
Not too long after he was apparently killed or something walking home near the creek.
The guy was such a wacko though its hard to beleive he was saying any of that for more then publicity.
Theres also the whole kurts handwriten doesnt match on the "suicide note" (some think it wasnt a suicide note at all, but a mere signing off on the music buisness letter to his fans)
i still beleive it was suicide, not that i even care all that much anymore anyway
edit: Eldon "EL DUCE" Hoke was the guys name =/
Yeah, the last part of his note was in completely different handwriting, as if it could have been an older note with some extra words added in to give it new context.
The handwriting has also been proven to be indentical to Courtneys handwriting, theres proof in the pudding.