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Old 04-26-2007, 06:49 PM   #42 (permalink)
Kevorkian Logic
Imperfectly Perfect
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Out of urge to test my shoddy latin knowledge, I translated this to the best of my ability.

Amo amas amat amamis amatis amant
(I love, you love, he loves, we love, yall love, they love)
We are all romans unconscious collective
We are all romans we live to regret it
We are all romans and we know all
About straight roads
Every straight road leads home,
(saying, all roads lead to Rome, which they did, because Rome was the center of it all)
Home to rome
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
We organise via property as power
Slavehood and freedom imperial purple
(The only way slaves could become citizens was through excelling in war)
Pax romana!
(Roman Peace (only achieved two times during the Roman Reign))
Suckled by a she wolf,
(Romulus and Remus)
We turn against our brother
(Remus turned against Romulus and vice-versa to gain control and get power of Rome, and in turning against each other they had to fight in war)
Bella bella bella bellorum bellis bellis
(war, war, war, to be part of war, in war, from war)
Veni vidi vici I came I saw I conquered
(just a famous phrase they threw in to go with the whole Roman power thing, Caesar was part of a whole different Roman era.)

Basically I got from the whole thing we are slaves who want citizenship, and realize they will have to turn against other slaves fighting in war to win this citizenship. Which is ridiculous because the slaves really are Roman citizens inside. No matter how much they love they have to do what the Roman empire says because it is all powerful.
"it is only through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect that a certain type of perfection can be attained"
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