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Old 01-18-2005, 12:53 PM   #15 (permalink)
Full-Time Hellion
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I don't know about the rest of yous who have posted in this thread so far but this is something of a rather difficult question to ask of a fan. Especially a fan like me.

I mean music in general for the most part is so commercial nowadays, so lots of bands like Green Day and I dunno Weezer don't get a lot of positive feed back as they should. Compare them to bands like the Dead Kennedys and Social Distortion and it's kinda biased since a lot of people will probably say Green Day because that's what they're most familiar with or Dead Kennedy's because Green Day is for 11-16 year old girls and whipped guys who listen to what their girlfriend tell them to listen to.
And for the most part that's just not the case.
Although my answer to the original question is that I think I'd choose both the Dead Kennedys and Green Day. Greenday because i like them despite the fact that girls who listen to britney spears liek them too. But i also like Dead Kennedys because of the history that comes with the knowledge of knowing about bands that existed way before my time. And because I'm guaranteed that if i were going to go to a concert with them headlining it, I won't see some ignorant 14 year old girl wearing a britney spears tshirt, sucking a lllipop either lip synching or trying to sing words to a song she doesn't know.
And I've seen people like that. I've been to concerts where I've seen things like that. And I've heard storites form people who have seen thigns like it too.
Which is why I now hate ozzfest because Ozzy is getting so much negative attention. With his whole show gig with MTV last year's ozzfest, the crowd sucked. You saw people with Simplan shirts on for crying out loud. I personally don't like Ozzy too much. I respect him for being able to do what he's been doing all thesee years but as a musician he doesn't get a high rating on my list. Although I lik him more than I will ever like simple plan.

So are you guys buying what I'm selling here?

And bands like Blink 182 (new punk) never did get a lto of positive feed back from punk fans because for starters most of their music is emo and MTV has just like filtered any good songs of theirs into a sewer pipe.
I'm sorry but MTV is like the worst thing for any band or singer or whatever.
The only good thing about MTV is that they'll play anything although mostly it's crap and anything synonymous with the word. So if you're a singer, something like a cross between Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson, just about every 16 years old who watches MTV knows who you are.
But if you're a singer and you're a cross between Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson and MTV plays your stuff then people like me will know who you are and we will buy your posters and use them as dart boards.

That's just my two cent on the topic
Peace out.
A pair of powerful spectacles has sometimes sufficed to cure a person in love.

~ Friedrich Nietzsche
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