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Old 04-15-2007, 03:02 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy View Post
Adidass, you're an insult to people who like RATM, for being such an ignorant jackass. You stated in the previous post that people have a genetic predisposition to being fat.
Are you saying they don't?
Also, you said you don't read my posts, which is obvious, because the whole time, I was saying that I could have been easily born into their shoes, I'm not looking down at them.
Originally Posted by TheUsedToolguy View Post
you can come on here and talk about anything you like.
I'll talk about heavy or overweight people in this country. What is the deal with them?
Do they completely lack in self control?
Or does society have some part to play in it?
Well, I've read that many people who are overweight are victims of childhood molestation. They eat a lot and become purposefully unattractive, so they won't be seen as objects of sexual desire, after such a traumatizing experience.
That said, what about the individuals who are overweight and weren't molested?
Well, maybe a lot of them do lack in self control, and many overcompensate for their empty feeling inside, by overeating.
Here's another theory for you, and this I believe does pertain to some of them.
They say, everything in the world serves a purpose, so what purpose is it serving us to have overweight and obese people to look at?
It seems that as long as we need people to judge for one reason or another, they will be there for us.
Some people need the reassurance that there are more disgusting, more revolting people out there than themselves to help their own self-esteem.
In our sex obsessed society, I'm sure a lot of the chubs pack on the pounds, and think, 'fine, you think whatever you want about me,' and then are able to live probably happier lives than weight obsessed paper-thin models.
I believe there is truth to it's what's inside that matters.
If we didn't need to see overweight people, then we could be happy, and not really even notice them, and then, if we did, we could at least be more sympathetic, and not be so forthcoming in poking fun at them.
They way you speak of obese people is disgusting and look this word up and remember it, PATRONIZING.
Arguing with you is like arguing with a 6 year old. I could make you feel really dumb,
Oh but, please do, I WANNA see you shame me....
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
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