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Old 04-09-2007, 08:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 3
Question Help With Suggestions


I'm in a weird situation. I have an extremely good stereo, BUT, my music collection, especially relative to my system, pretty much totally sucks and it mainly stinks because of my own ignorance. I have many tastes in music (although too much Dead ****'s Picks proportionately) and my favorite is light and mainly instrumental jazz.

I am asking for help with music suggestions.

As far as jazz, here is what I know:
1. My absolute favorite song is Grover Washington Jr's rendition of the David Gates song Aubrey. Maybe that in itself can give you an idea of where I am at. I just think the song is so good.

2. I have A Love Supreme - a little "out there" for me. I like it, but I don't love it.

3. I tend to like mainly instrumental.

4. I watched an old episode of Northern Exposure and it had Louis Armstrong doing Moon River. I have got to get it.

5. I like Take 5.

6. I like stuff that is soothing, that makes me feel good and that really tests a good stereo in terms of clarity, but I am not dead yet either! (The music can move some.)

7. I don't know much jazz. It's just that some of what little I have heard is my favorite, works the best for me.

I want to know what I am doing and I thought if some of you could give me a little direction, I would finally use something like ITunes, grab some of the suggestions, and give them a shot.

Just to let you know, I have other stuff to attend to, but will be logging in tomorrow AM.

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