Originally Posted by right-track
I never said I didn't like the Sex Pistols.
I was referring to the pre punk pub bands, when I stated they couldn't play their instruments particularly well.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything and reading Johnny Rotten's biography (which I have) or watching the Filth and the Fury in order to gain a better understanding of who the Sex Pistols really were, is no substitute for remembering the overall vibe towards them at the time.
And if that stunt with Ronnie Biggs wasn't an attention seeking 'sell out', then I don't know what is.
The Sex Pistols weren't fake..they just weren't the real thing.
Johnny Rotten made it clear that he thought the stunt with Ronnie Biggs was a bad idea and wanted no part of it, and he even sued (and won) Malcolm Maclaren because he disagreed so strongly with how he tried to run things and he wanted everyone to know that he wanted no part of what Malcolm was trying to do, which was just make as much money as possible marketing "his" band in any way that he could. Rotten wrote the lyrics (though Matlock did help him on some songs) and got the ideas out; the other Pistols played their instruments and did what they wanted but Rotten was the driving force of the band. I think memories can be deceiving because they're just based on personal perception; what's important is the facts and I've read up a good deal and seen enough of the Pistols to know that they made a huge impact on the genre of punk and music as a whole. Are you saying that they weren't the real thing just based on your memories of that time? I'm still not sure exactly what you're trying to say really.