iceplayer, that last song kinda terrorizes the rest of the list. kinda the oddball out of all the songs.
sweetjane, nice list.

particular bill withers, excellent.
i think this has been millions of times before, but what the hey i will try.
David Bowie- always crashing in the same car
Joy Division- decades
Velvet Underground- white light, white heat
The Smiths- suedehead
Jefferson Airplane- White Rabbit
The Clash- Lost in the Supermarket
The Jesus and Mary Chain- I hate Rock n Roll
PJ Harvey- We Float
Paul Revere & The Raiders- Indian Reservation
Nine Inch Nails- Sin
Ambulance ltd- Primitive
Johnny Cash- Folsom Prison Blues
Jimi Hendrix- All Along the Watchtower
The Zombies- Time of the Season
The Buzz****s- What Do I Get