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Thread: Your Day
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Old 04-08-2007, 05:59 PM   #5581 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2005
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Posts: 275

Originally Posted by jibber View Post
thursday night:
6pm ish - got a call right after i finished work asking if i wanted to go to golden for the weekend to go skiing, didnt know if we were leaving that night or the next morning.

6:30pm - realized my waxing station had been taken hostage by contsruction crews needing the garage, so went back to work to wax and tune my skis

7pm - got a call, apparently leaving that night for golden, which is a three hour drive. Drove to the bank to cash paycheques so I had money, went home, showered, got ready again, packed.

9pm - got picked up, finally left the city at 10 after a few neccesary stops

11pm - stopped in canmore for food

1am - arrived in golden, started looking for motel, got sidetracked in packers bar

2am - checked into travelodge

So then we skied all day friday, and went back to find a cheaper motel, found one with a hot tub, spend most of the rest of the day drinking in the hot tub, and playing air hockey and ping pong. Went for a beer run at about 8ish, and then went back for more hottubbing, drinking, and air hockey and pool. that night was pretty much a liquid dinner.

got up at 8 the next morning to go skiing, skied all day, left golden at about 5, got home at about quarter to 8.

my weekend kicked ass.
I was going to post about my day, but now my life seems dull and pointless...cheers Jibber
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