Originally Posted by JackJeckel
Because the Sex Pistols were ******* sellout drug addicts who did **** all to promote the punk scene and were doing what they did solely so they could support their next fix.
Not saying the Ramones weren't a bunch of glue sniffing dummies, but they weren't put together by some label dude with deep pockets.
You're wrong. The only member of the Sex Pistols that had a drug addiction was Sid, and even then his part was dubbed in by original member Glen Matlock. The Pistols did experiment with drugs recreationally and Rotten was picked up by the cops for having a little bit of speed on him, but that's about as far as it goes. You're either misinformed or just have no idea what you're talking about, so you might want to get the facts first before making false accusations like that. And Johnny Rotten was very much responsible for creating the whole punk ideology and helped to really get punk into the mainstream, so The Sex Pistols did more than The Ramones ever did in the name of music.
And Malcom Laclaren may have been manipulative, but he never stopped Rotten or the boys from coming up with their own ideas or making them change their image just to make money so he really had no effect on them artistically-speaking either way.