I'm downloading yours right now, i'll put it on tomorrow probably cause I don't think ill be able to finish it tonight.
I didn't do these in any specific order, though I tried to make it so if you listen in order they all flow together nicely.
1. Ben Folds "Late"
Slow piano driven song, it basically sums up my feelings about Elliott.
2. Elliott Smith "Dancing On The Highway"
The lyrics are amazing and so is his voice on this.
3. Bright Eyes "Entry Way Song"
Beautiful acoustic song, probably my favorite lyrics ever. It completely describes my feelings towards my best friendishpratically.
4. Owen "Put Your Hands On Me, My Love"
Also an acoustic song <.< it expresses gratitude that I have trouble expressing towards certain figures in my life.
5. Vashti Bunyan "Love Song"
I just heard this song tonight and was blown away. I liked her voice when I first heard it but in combination with these lyrics its even more amazing.
6. Sunny Day Real Estate "Rain Song"
This song got me into Sunny Day which got me into post-emo which (with the help of A_Perfect_Sonnet) got me into real emo.
7. Bright Eyes "Bowl Of Oranges"
This and Lover I Dont Have To Love were the first Bright Eyes songs I fell in love with, this one I like better now though.
8. Elliott Smith "Angeles"
This and twilight were the first Elliott songs I fell in love with, I put this one on now because it holds more personal meaning.
9. Neutral Milk Hotel "Two-Headed Boy Part II"
A lot of these verses blow me away, and in a more metaphorical sense are easy to relate to. Jeff is amazing.
10. Patrick Wolf "Teignmouth"
This, Brand New Colony and Tereza and Tomas me alot to me, and give me this I want to run away feeling that I get with my bestfriendishpraticallywishwasmygirlfriend I mentioned in Entry Way Song.
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