Originally Posted by Rainard Jalen
lol, there's nothing particularly bad about mastodon's lyrics when taken as a whole. It's a little off in places, but what isn't? If anything, Mastodon show considerably more evidence of literacy than mostly all other mainstream metal bands.
I didn't see the point of quoting the whole song but I will.
The hero of the gods
The crossing of the threshold
The Belly of the wale
Refusal of Return
Hollow eyes
Dry pale legs
Howling on
Thru fields and graves
Language of the signs
Symbols to our sight
Guardian to thy throne
take on form
Hide the skin
Cut it of
Scatter ash in the wind
Shapeshifters rolling on winds of tyrants make
Fierce lore of fanged horn
Danger all the way
Night's sea reflection
The faces of bodies slain
Returning to the form of natrual human's fate
Grown from the cold
Spirits Unclean
Dealer of the days
The ice will thaw
As the solider walks thru the crimson side
Researchers of aftermatch
Dispelling disarming man
One-toed horses subject of genesis
And the immigrants
Fundamental side of a human mind
Hulder folk and fairies
So belive
The hero of the gods
The crossing of the threshold
The Belly of the wale
Refusal of Return
Congrats you can write fragmented lines about a cliche metal topic! They also write about Moby
Dick which is equally amazing. Lordi writes better lyrics than this.
Far as the singing goes, Hinds may not have the best voice but, like with Billy Corgan, it's the imperfections that end up contributing to the overall sound (that is, for those who like the sound). A good voice isn't really required to get the job done. It just has to work.
See when I read that I think you're buttering up the fact hes unoriginal and not good. I don't like Corgans voice either.
Ultimately though, it's the range of ideas they play with that sets them apart from most of the competition.
I don't see how they stand out from all the other metal bands.