Originally Posted by calacirya1
i was wondering if anyone here listens to any greek music...there is so much more to it than the old stuff (some of which is quite good) or the bubblegum pop (irritating). just to put some names out there for you:
alkistis protopsalti
eleftheria arvanitaki
antonis remos
stelios kazantzidis (dead)
mikis theodorakis
george dalaras
there are a lot more, just wondering if i was the only one 
Although I am Greek, until recently I was interested mainly in rock, and generally Western, music. The last year I have become more interested in Greek music.
Mikis Theodorakis and Manos Hadjidakis( dead) are two giants of greek music, maybe the two best composers of modern Greece.
You can see some information about them and listen to some of their staff in their official sites.
Manos Hadjidakis [ The Official Website ]
Mikis Theodorakis - The Home Page
The rebetiko music, which was an undergound music, played and listened mainly by social outcasts during the first half of the twentieth century is also very interesting. It is a type of music that draws many influences from Greek and Turkish tradition. The most well-known, and probably the greatest, songwriters of rebetiko music are Markos Vamvakaris and Vassilis Tsitsanis.
a site for Markos Vamvakaris
The Markos Vamvakaris Archive
a site for Vassilis Tsitsanis
Both Theodorakis and Hadjidakis were heavily influenced by rebetiko music.
Xenakis and Papathanasiou( film score composer of Chariots of Fire, Blade Runner, Alexander etc.) are also two very good Greek composers, but they had their career mainly in Europe and US and their music does not have much Greek influence.
Stelios Kazantzidis was a really good singer of laiko music, but he was not very productive as a songwriter.
Zambetas, Kaldaras, Akis Panou, Marinella, Stratos Dionisiou are some of the important figures of the Greek laiko music.
Manos Loizos, Thanos Mikroutsikos, Dionisis Savopoulos, Eleni Karaindrou, Thanasis Papakonstantinou, Markopoulos are some other very interesting Greek composers and songwriters.