Originally Posted by Thrice
Also...you all need to get the fugg over 'what emo is' just listen to the freaking music you like. Im with riseagainstrocks when saying I used to come here to discuss bands I liked, but the few times I do visit a week, it is some kid thats bitching about what 'real emo' is. Aside form the poor moderation part im beginning to agree with riseagainstrocks when saying this place is sinking fast. I guess you'll just see me around alot less, because everyday my homepage, MusicBanter pops up, and I dont sign in, because I know it will all be the same thing, some ****head spamming, some 14 year old girl posting about how much they love/hate GC, some kid who thinks hes the first to discover 'real emo'. Its ridiculous. 
Wow. Being new to these forums I've been wary to call attention to this. Didn't want to look like some idiot who doesn't know forums for **** coming in and bad mouthing the place. Since it's brought up I can't say how much I agree Thrice and how bothered I've been by it. This is the one place I've found that I can discuss the one and only style of music I enjoy. In the short time I've been here, I've seen most of what these forums have to offer and it's arguing (although some hide it in the guise of debating). Add on top of that the "what is emo" discussions over and over and over. Get's old fast. Hell, look at this topic as a good indicator of when topics are bad and get even worse. It's not all doom and gloom. I've seen some discussions that were heading in the right direction. I've found at least 10 good bands I've never heard of because of this place.
Can't topics be locked, people warned, and other people banned? How about a sticky warning new comers the right way to act when coming here and if you don't listen your topic could be locked/deleted and you could get banned?
Just suggestions. I wouldn't like to see this place get even worse and then again it would be ****ing great if we could have some real music discussions.

How that for getting serious?