Question 1.) What is you favorite food to eat?
Fried Chicken
Question 2.) Your favorite food to cook?
Cake...mmmm, icing.
Question 3.) Who is your favorite artist/band?
Question 4.) What is your favorite CD?
Question 5.) If you were on a deserted island that happened to have a DVD player, what is the one DVD would you want with you?
I forgot the name of it, but it was a Korean film about how the US government was secretly attacking an area in Korea that supposedly had no villagers but was actually inhabitted by peaceful monk like people. It won some sort of internaitonal award like 2 years ago.
Question 6.) If you could have any celebrity on speed dial, who would it be?
Elton john
Question 7.) If you could go to dinner with any celebrity who would it be?(Dead and Alive)
Dead=Tupac(should be fun) Alive=Dustin Kensrue
Question 8.) If you could only own one car for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A Volvo, I like safety
Question 9.) What is the absolute worst purchase you ever made?
Beastie Boys- To the 5 Boroughs
Question 10.) If you were given the ability to be invisible for 24 hours, what would you do during that time?
Rob Banks, and scare the hell out of people.
Question 11.) What is you favorite place to vacation? If you haven’t been many places, where would you most like to go for vacation?
I really want to go to Uganda.
Question 12.) If you could be a professional athlete in any sport, which sport would it be? Why?
Ping Pong count? I love it.
Question 13.) What is/was your favorite subject in school?
Either Calc. or Physics
Question 14.) What was the best present you ever received?
A record player
Question 15.) If you were a superhero, what would you want your special power to be?
Superhuman Strength
Question 16.) You have been given the opportunity to play golf with any three other people in the world next weekend, who would you pick?
Ron Paul, Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. Would be fun to watch Ron talk circles around those two.