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Old 03-03-2007, 07:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
Kevorkian Logic
Imperfectly Perfect
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Default Lost in the Voices

Lost in the Voices

Lesly says she’s dying
On the bathroom floor she’s sobbing
Her composure is hanging by a thread
The voices in her head, the voices in her head
She can’t get them to go
Although she’s pleads and begs with them to leave her be
Insanity is all she sees

She’s vanishing before her eyes
Lesly is melting away
There’s no one there to comfort her
And they just don’t comprehend
That malevolence has grabbed her heart and soul
It’s been too much of a wavering road

Lesly wants to fade away
She forgot who she used to be
There is someone else inside her
Playing tricks within her head

The agony is too much for her to endure
She can't make sense anymore
Her reasoning is twisted and contorted

Lesly guards the polished knife ever so closely
All she wants to do is go
She silent scream of anguish
As the stream of blood flows
She listens for a moment
All that she hears
Is the peaceful sound of silence
Echoing through her tears

"it is only through a limitless accumulation of the imperfect that a certain type of perfection can be attained"
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