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Old 02-28-2007, 10:40 PM   #239 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Snickers View Post
Yeah I listen to some Sex Pistols as well, no Ramones, but the Sex Pistols are just as overrated in the aspect that they completely ruined the punk attitude some of their contemporaries (or moreso bands in the same generation) were trying to establish, are still idolized as some great beginners of punk, and were not very talented at all.
They weren't very talented musicians at all. But I think you have to give them credit, they knew what they were doing in terms of image. They were a good band for people to follow and get into, they did exactly what they had to do at the time they did, it'sone of those bands, much like the beatles in my opinion, who owe a good chunk of their success to being at the right lace at the right time.

that's not to say I'm not diminishing them, the sex pistols, (and the beatles for that matter) have been among my all time favorite bands for years.
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