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Old 02-21-2007, 02:53 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post

The rules of free kicks are pretty simple , the ref asks the player if he wants 10 yards , if he says no he can take the free kick straight away.
One of the things I was taught was if you concede a foul just outside the area you stand over the ball & block any quick free kicks being taken while your goalkeeper sets up a wall & wait for the referee to tell you to go back 10 yards.

You don`t have to wait for the ref to tell you to take a free kick in any other areas of the pitch.

If you give away a foul then the other team gets the advantage , plain & simple.
Ever heard of fair play? It doesn't say the players have to throw the ball out if someone is injured, but they do it anyway because of fair play. That free kick was the equivalent of a surprise punch while the guy is not looking. It's disgraceful, but then again, football is far from being a gentleman's game now is it? Anything is allowed, surprise free kicks as well as faking a foul and getting the other team's player thrown out. What bothers me is the utter hypocrisy of it all. If those players had a shred of dignity they wouldn't have tried winning that way. It's not very honorable...Man. U. was clearly the better team and if not in this game, they would have proven it in the next one.
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