Download 2007
I made a topic about Download 2006 last year, so I thought i'd do the same this year.
Anyone seen this years line up? Slayer, Maiden, Manson, Bring me the Horizon, Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance all confirmed. Personally I think this line up, with the acception of Slayer, is pathetic. I mean compared to the line up last year, which was probably the best line up of all the Donnington Festivals to date, it's not cutting it. It's ment to be one of the greatest metal festival's in England, and they have My Chemical Romance headlining Friday night, instead of Slayer, it just doesn't make sense. Any one else's views on this years lineup/festival?
Wieder lieg ich auf der lauerDenn wir spielen unser spiel. Wieder wart ich an der mauer. Wieder steh ich kurz vorm ziel
I dont like Prince Phillip because he's a racist.I also dont like the Queen because she's that leaves me in a funny situation
Originally Posted by dirt mcgirt
this pole about famouz peds only son. urban hatmonger gotta get his work reconized, gotta make a name fo hisself. naamean?
Originally Posted by littleknowitall
ad anyone wanting rampant sex with a hairy horny welshman may feel free to take me up on that one :D