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Thread: Mirrorthrone
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Old 02-08-2007, 05:47 PM   #7 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Leeds
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by Melkor View Post
I am more of a Power Metal fan, but when it comes to Black Metal, I like only Emperor and Old Man's Child. Although people bash OMC due to their affliation with Dimmu Borgir, who are considered to be a joke by elitists.

However, I like OMC, and they are supposed to be Symphonic Black Metal. Good stuff, actually, they aren't as bad as Cradle of Filth or Dimmu Borgir.
i actuall think it's a shame that dimmu borgir (or dummy burger as some people call them) get such a bad rap, i think they're great, they write fantastic songs.. cradle of filth however deserve burning, dani filth is a knob, and their songs are a waste of time, they've not written a good album since 'dusk and her embrace'.

i like old man's child too, think they've got some well catchy things going on.

none of them are in the same class as emperor, enslaved, windir or belenos though, but hey, not many bands of any style are.
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