Originally Posted by Strummer521
True...but of course, The Ramones were the first to go ahead and play with a total disregard for their utter lack of skill and experience. They kind of showed others you didn't need chops...just the will to pick up and play.
One thing thats often surprised me is that free jazz isnt mentioned ver often when refferring to pre-punk music. If you listen to the guitars solos by a lot of the bands that actually used them you begin to hear similarities between those and the sax solos you might hear on a John Coltrane album, lots of notes that don't fit into the songs key and just a very chaotic sound. Its pretty much the same idea as free-jazz soloing.
Black Flag is a good example of this.
There’s a dream that I see, I pray it can be
Look 'cross the land, shake this land - "Maybe Not", C. Marshall