Originally Posted by Music Man
In that case, the Stones are nothing but two dollar whores.
And I suppose the Beatles wern`t , what with movies , dolls , and tons & tons of merchendise aimed at teenage girls , seriously get off your high horse.
Their 1978 album "Some Girls", featured disco songs like "Miss You" (and other crap-pop songs)---which were specifically written and recorded to capitalize on the disco craze that swept the USA in the 70's.
If you bother to listen to the 'Some Girls' album which you clearly have not , or at least not for a while you`ll know that 'Miss You' is the
only disco song on there , myself I just see it as an extention of the soul & funk that was ALREADY an influence in their music.
As for the album itself it`s generally considered one of their best albums since Exile On Main Street and has some of their most aggressive rock songs on it as well as stuff like Shattered & Beast Of Burden which are considered among 2 of their best songs they ever wrote.
The Stones fanboys can deny it until their faces turn blue---but the hard fact remains that the Stones sold out big time. The Beatles never did.

Well i`m not a Stones fanboy they`re just one of many bands I like. But to claim the Stones are only about money & The Beatles were only in it for music is laughable.Especially with the 'New' Beatles album currently in the shops.And then there was the Lennon graverobbing for that other compilation that came out a while ago which were never even supposed to be Beatles songs in the first place.Your arguement is starting to look a bit shaky there.
The Stones over about the last thirty years are the classic example of musical whoredom at its worst.
Maybe if Yoko Ono didn`t exist you`d have a point.