Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
I disagree they lost their edge in 69 , after all they did release Let It Bleed , Sticky Fingers , Get Yer Ya Yas Out & Exile On Main Street In that time.
Plus what were the Beatles up to in the 70s? , Paul McCartney in Wings , one of the worst bands ever to walk the face of the earth , Ringo was busy making crap solo albums and appearing on every novelty album going.Harrison`s solo stuff was very hit & miss , mostly miss and people forget that Lennon`s career was on the slide from the mid 70s onwards.
Compared to some of the rubbish the ex Beatles knocked out in the 70s the Stones stuff stands up pretty well.
I clearly stated "about" that time, and I specifically mentioned the year 1971.
As for what the ex-Beatles were doing as solo acts in the 1970's as compared to the Stones as a group, is absolutely irrelevant. You're making an apples and oranges comparison.
With well over one BILLION records sold worldwide, the Beatles completely blow away the Stones. The Stones have had over 36 years to try and catch up, but STILL can't come even remotely close in record sales.
As of 2007, the Beatles compilation album "1" is the largest selling album of the 21st century, in ANY genre of music.
The Stones have always been and will always be a distant second to the Beatles, and I say that as an old Stones fan who owns MANY of their recordings.