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Old 01-09-2007, 04:53 AM   #7 (permalink)
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From your descriptions I think we have them here in select parts of the country. We call them Italians. Though its a very select form of italian.

We generally refer to them as Gumba's or guido's (sp?) and they are commonly found on the streets of New York and New Jersey and less so in other areas of the Northeast Region of the U.S. (which is only because its the only part of the country where European decent matters). As one New York mobster said "The track suits? Oh yeah thats cause the bands go down real easy so you can get blow jobs quick in a bunch of diffrent places."

While i'm sure their not the exact same thing, their close. If I'm correct, the american version of the Chav talks baseball rather than football (soccer), speaks with a "fuh-ged-a-bow-dit" accent and generally likes gawdy fashion. The females have teased up hair, fake acryllic brightly colored press-on nails, constantly chew gum with their mouths open and laugh in a manner most closely akin to the bleating of goats. The female however is not specific to women of Italian decent, somehow the Jews of the same area are coming into the same culture. Although the men much slower than the women.

If you've ever seen any movie shot at the Jersey Shore or Brooklyn, thats an accurate depiction. I'm assuming a Chiv is sort of like Ali G?
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