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Old 01-07-2007, 09:45 PM   #1435 (permalink)
cardboard adolescent
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
You have clearly said that major labels only market bad bands, I wont call this view closed minded when considering what I have said about indie (even if it is all fact based) and that would lead to your indie scum brethern calling me a hypocrite because they have nothing better to do but I will say that its very misinformed... It only makes me wish all these crappy bands join big labels so you wont like them anymore, let alone overrate the holy crap out of them.

You rate music based on statistics and trivial things like record labels rather than just using your ears... I pity you, as far as I'm concerned you don't even like music.
I would really like to see where I clearly said that, considering I listen to plenty of bands on major labels. Also, I'd like to know why the **** you think you know anything about me or my taste in music. My indie brethren? I don't even listen to that much indie. And I sure as hell don't have any brethren that I associate myself with. As for my rating my music based on statistics, that just doesn't even make any goddamn sense.

I made one damn statement that said I think joining a major label impedes the ability to experiment and make original music, and all of a sudden you think you know everything about me, and can just lump me into one of your neat little categories. You're just proving yourself to be an ignorant ass who likes to pick fights.
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