Originally Posted by adidasss
Btw, what's up with not sharing the experience? Am I the only one that get's super enthused about <a class=l href=http://webmaxsearch.com?qq=travel onmouseover="return (window.status='travel');" onmouseout="window.status='';">travel</a>ling to other countries?
I get quietly enthused. This time I forgot my camera though!
Well, in brief the best bits for me were:
1. Going to St. Kilda, which is one of the trendy parts of Melbourne with a main street a hundred metres or so away from the beach and lined with cafes.
2. Going swimming in the olympic swimming pool for free (great still being a student), which also included me overtaking the front-crawling club swimmers in the next lane whilst doing breaststroke. Go me!
3. The Melbourne Museum, which had a big Aboriginal display. Sure, Aboriginal art and craftwork isn't very exciting in itself but the social and historical issues around it are very interesting indeed.
4. Semi-naked women everywhere. Well, it was hot and I had been wishing EVER so hard.