This really will be the thread that breaks me.
First off, I don't go on witch hunts as oojay accuses me of on a regular basis. between him, boo boo, and now adidasss. I never went into this looking to start a brawl and frankly I don't care if snickers thinks I swear a lot.
I'm not in this to win, Adidasss has gone out of his way to slag anyone American because he's so righteously european. Fine whatever. A legitiment question about a language i didn't know was still spoken has erupted into this? Well, im all set. Have your fun, im honestly not up to having a chest beating match with someone I think is a closed-minded, pig-headed biggot who would never accept a point from a "stereotypical american."
I'm sure I know nothing about anything outside of our borders. Despite reading philosophy from Heidegger, Fukuyama, Mercuse, and Lyotard. I study international law, am part of model U.N., I've sat in on lectures from Chinese Judges and write essays on third world development. I havn't really felt the need to say this before now, but since my credentials are being called into question by someone who judges me on a music forum well, I guess I need to bring it all up.
Its irrelevent what you think of me, If you want to group oojay and myself together because we're from the same country, thats fine. We're clearly the same person. I don't know when you decided to start brawling with me here Adidasss, but there was a time we used to converse on AIM more so than any other MBer. I guess between now and then you've felt I've expressed my self as somewhat of an ignorant ass. Fine, no one asked you to be civil or utalize any sort of propriety in my direction. Do as you will, talk to who ya want, and keep coming at the americans here because we're not from somewhere else.
Just for the record; Boston is the educational capital of the world, not the country. I'm sure you'll refute that as well.