Originally Posted by franscar
You don't state anything other than negativities, with nothing to back them up other than your own opinion presented in an aggressive fashion towards, at times, people who are I would guess a lot younger, or at the very least a lot less mature than you.
I haven't seen you suggest alternatives for people who's tastes you are deriding as being awful, which in turn makes your entire posts little more than pointless.
Well you can`t be looking hard enough then can you , Apart from the odd emo kid (And i`m hardly the only person guilty of that) i`ve not attacked a single person on this forum. You attack me for not having the same opinions as you.I`ve posted countless threads of bands I do like , hell i`ve even got into some proper debates with people who are willing to see my point of view on some things or if not explain why they think a certain way on something. If you are not mature enough to do this yourself instead of constantly whine because I said I didn`t think some album you love isn`t great then thats not really my problem.