the Dreamcoat-please just put this up for nomination.
It means quite a lot to me. Done it a while ago...
My dreamcoat has lost all but one colour,
and I am afraid that colour could not be duller,
its inspiration is sparse, its supposed magic is a farce
my dreamcoat, my poor dreamcoat.
My dreamcoat is frowned upon,
it packed its bags, and now it's gone,
the dull colour followed, clinging on
that dull colour of which there is only one.
In spite of this I need my dreamcoat,
for without it there is no hope
so much lies within its wise old weavings,
and that dull colour is quite deceiving,
for behind it lies a tapestry so clever,
it will put reason to all your endeavours.
The sun will shine brighter,
you'll praise the moons glow,
the grass will be greener,
and you will no longer shiver in the winds frosty blow.
Oh my dreamcoat, my beauitful dreamcoat
wherever did you go?
Across the world, to another lonely girl, maybe, yes or no?
Wherever you are return home soon
so I may keep the shine of the sun and the glow of the moon,
my dreamcoat, oh my broken dreamcoat,
there is nothing else to do,
other than to say to my fragile dreamcoat
that I truly do love you.