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Old 12-30-2006, 08:20 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Converso- Coward.

In 1492 the Spainards also killed the Jews.
Inquisition. Inquisition.

On each continent- convert or die.
The Land rightfully ours.

A cultural clensing.

Only one god.
Only one right religion.

Everyone's wrong.

Don't stand up and fight.
Lay down and die.

Did you ever learn about Juan II and the generation of peace?

Should power come from below or above?
It's no wonder the fascists won.

Random thoughts on how when you learn about the exploration era you don't learn about the Spanish Inquisition at the same time and how in some history books it's almost justified because the moors took their land. My confusion on monotheistic religion's intolerance. My upsetness with most texts skipping over the period that literally came just before most towns were self governed and there wasn't as many conflicts as any other time.
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