Originally Posted by craigdavies
if everyone only liked one type of music the world would be a boring place!
And the world is just as boring a place when people use statements such as 'people are free to like whatever music they want'
I`m just as free to voice my dislike at a band too , the whole point of a music forum is to debate , yet I see very little of it so far.
Now i`ve not seen one single post explaining why anybody in their right mind would listen to a boring , mtv friendly , one dimensional , cliched , bubblegum pop band shamelessly being aimed at a rock audience like My Chemical Romance.
It seems so far all you`ll get out of these people is either...
' I like what i like nobody is forcing you to listen to it'
' you dumb**** i`ll kick your ass MCR are ****ing great'
and the ever present 'people are free to like whatever music they want'
SO MCR fans
Why do you listen to this stuff even though there are a million & one bands that do this stuff & it`s not original in the slightest?