rappers do me a favor
okay, so what I want you guys to do is to take these words, rap them at 100bpm, record yourself, and then upload it as an mp3 or wav file or whatever so i can put it in a song. i'll listen to anyone who does it and use the one i like best
hopefully at least one of you is bored enough or desperate enough for approval to do this:
three mad pies and a little bit more
can't never forget what you're singing for
i got a plan today
ta confuse throw it all into disarray
the music speaks much louder than words
it's all we can do to fight the absurd
hero - in our own minds
in the end we're all blind
always gotta act on what you feel
if you don't you forsake anything real
change is impossible
hell to some it's incomprehensible
free will's just a trick of the mind
if you look real hard then you will find
life - is merely a plateau
the result of events set in motion ages ago
don't color me yellow because i refuse to believe
there is no meaning, reality's what we perceive
reality- is what we perceive
reality's what we perceive
reality's what we perceive
reality's what we perceive
life is a game of chess and we're all pawns
it don't matter who you are your fate's been drawn
if you don't believe me it doesn't matter
just live your life and be free
in the end you'll see
there was never anything to see
never anything to see
never anything to see
never anything to see just eternal peace